Is there a really great MM only solid state Phone Preamp?

I’m getting tired of tubes a was hoping not to pay a premium for the MC part. Budget around $2500. Thanks in advance for your recommendations!
Take a look at the phono stages by Lejonklou (Osage Audio carries them).  Lejonklou makes phono stages specifically dedicated to MM carts, and they have a very smooth, relaxing sound.  There's a review of their Gaio on Analog Planet.  
Absolutely, like 'parrotbee69' says, the Graham Slee Phono Stages - both MM and MC are worth a serious look! Mr Fremer thought Graham Slee's Phono PreAmps were very natural sounding and with a quality of something much more expensive. I started off with the cheapest MM Model that he also sells as a Kit and it really surprised me how great my analog section really was. [Rega, Rotel amp, JBL spkrs] He also has Headphone Amps and Monoblock Amps that I can't wait to check out as there is also the 'Lending Library' - try before you buy. Well worth you ears! 

DogBox [Steve]