Is there a pre-amp not processor with a sub out?

I'm creating a class "A" system with a velodyne 18 sub & Ultima Gems, and the position of the sub is too far away from the preamp to be cost effective (Running interconnects from the preamp to the sub and then back to the amp) and I won't use speaker connections. Is there a class "A" preamp that has the cross-over built into it (subwoofer output)?
If a pre/pro is off limits, then look for a preamp that has two sets of main outs. Some will have 1 pair of XLR and another RCA.

I'm using a Primare P30 pre/pro and it is sonically superior to some 2-channel preamps in direct a/b comparisons in my home. One of which is highly rated as a class a preamp in Stereophile (not that that means anything).

Nevertheless, I'm using the RCA main outs for the sub and the XLR for the amp.

You could use Y-connectors but you always take the risk of degrading the signal.
Thanks for all the advice. But hold on, I didn't know there was a (Stereophile) Class "A" pre-pro out there for under 5K. That would really solve my problem.
Sorry, Funkydog. I missed your post. If you look closely at my post above, it clearly stated class A preamp.

Better late than never.