Is the BAT 6200 capable of reference stereo play?

I am considering the big BAT for both HT and 2 channel listening, but do not want to spend 10K and regret not doing a 2 channel and 3 channel set-up insted. Listening preferences are varied from classical to modern. Current set-up is B&W N805 X5 with Denon univeral player and Denon 4802 receiver. After amp purchase would like to put tubes in the pre (BAT again?) One last comment, I am also considering upgrading the speakers to JM 936/946 or the Avalon ascendants.
Any input is welcomed.
The Bat is most definetly capable of reference stereo play. That is not to say that the two channels are not better. I felt the Bat was superior to a Krell FPB 200C in all but bass slam for stereo playback.
I run two 6200 amps in my multichannel-theatre room and feel that the bat delivers excellent transparency , soundstaging properties as well as superior dynamics compared to the majority of the multichannel amps on the market. I am biamping every speaker in my Aerial system to incredible results and as the numerous acolades the audio press has bestowed on this delicate beast , you will not be dissapointed either. Audition them of course but chances are , you will be happy.