Is SACD really this lousy?

Bought a Sony SCD 1 and this is boring me in my system. Have had it for 2 weeks and just cannot get interested. Previously I had a CAL CL2o and we were astounded by how the DVD DAD's sounded-fall into the soundstage, reach out and touch the performers. Also the dynamic range used every bit of the VTL's 275 watts into the Maggies. The 44/16 side of the CL20 was at best lukewarm. This after coming off a Meridian 508 20. Then I tried the Wadia 270/27ix. In my system, all the write ups were proven wrong. Then I went to the Linn Ikemi. It was great except I couldn't forget that sound of the DVD's with the CL20. I went to get the Sony SCD 1. I don't have a dealer here but trusted it wouldn't dissappoint. WRONNNG! I called Steve Huntley at Great Northern Sound to see if he could do anything. He said it was a great player, it's just that Sony missed the boat when it came to the analog section. He is in fact drawing up a mod to deal with this very thing that he says will approach the Accuphase. That however will cost anywhere from $1500 roonies for the SACD side to $3500 for both. Anybody have any comment on this or am I the only one experiencing disappointment?
Albert, I completely agree. Jmazur, you took offense where you shouldn't have, and no one believes what I said was "character assassination"...puuleeease! Take a chill pill, and think of another phrase to say besides "been there, done that". It was outdated two years ago. I DO apologize for not being able to help you! Not everyone has the patience for vinyl, I realize that. All I meant was, if you are going to be unhappy with every front end you try, you might ought to slow down and wait until some source component comes along that you can live with long term. Until then, try living with an inexpensive digital source for a while, and try to get the most out of it. Getting the most out of a component is the real challenge, afterall. I hear the Rega Planet CD player is very popular. Why not get one, and try to make it really sing? The point is, you need to take a look at what you're doing, and see if there are other approaches you haven't tried yet.
Yes,the Rega Planet is a fine sounding CD player.If I ever decide to upgrade my $20.00 NEC yard sale player it will be a planet.But until I have at least 20 Cd's I wont bother.Right now I have 2 CD's I have purchaced in 3 years so it will be a while.The Rega Planet is Stereophile Class B.The reviewer described it as sounding "almost analog like" I guess with digital this must be a high compliment because I hardly ever see a CD player described as that.
You illustrate my point exactly Carl. Why does this have to breakdown to insults. Let's have a dialog.
I am finally figuring out why people devoted to digital get so defensive.You want the best of both worlds but dont want to put any work into it.You want a "easy and convienient" format but think you can get analog sound with all these different digital machines coming out. When you find out your dreams have not come true(again)then you have someone like me say if you want analog sound you need to get a turntable and put some REAL effort into it.And it is alot of work,no doubt.But no need to get ticked off.One guy for lack of better argument attacked my speling!!!! CHIL!!!!
David99, I like you, and your enthusiasm for the format that I enjoy the most. However,, is looking for new technology and is hoping that his disappointment can be solved with a suggestion. Who can blame him for wanting the sound of LP with the convenience of a CD? Personally, I would KILL for such a format. There are plenty of people who feel like me, but they have not given up on the possibility of a new technology resolving this issue. In truth, a company as large as Sony has that ability. If only their heart was as big as their pocketbook, we would have the success story that we all (at this site) dream of.