Is it worth upgrading fr McIntosh MC402 to MC501?

I currently have a McIntosh MC-402 have a chance to upgrade to a pair of MC-501 mono blocks. I am wondering if the MC-501 is significantly better over the MC-402 considering it is about 50% more in cost in the used market. In other words, would one be able to tell the difference? I am using a C46 (C-46) preamp, B&W Nautilus 802 speakers, and an Oppo SACD player.
IMO I disagree with Theo..the 452 sounds a little better depending on what your sustem is.. but when you figure your spending approx 4K+ after you sell your amp ,and agin the speakers you have as far as detail etc...not worth it
I would spend the cash on upgrade the CD instead. Esoteric or Wadia and upgrade the cables. Personally, I would get the Wadia because it has preamp build in.
The net difference between what I can buy the 501s for and the price I can sell my 402 for is about $2000 more.