Is it true Genesis is out of business?

I have heard this several times in recent months, and some people have found their website unavailable, but I have accessed the website often recently w/no problems. I think my Genesis 500's are the best speakers I have ever owned--of course, I haven't owned 'em all or heard 'em all, but these have remained in a constantly changing system for 5 yrs and I still love hearing them. If it's true that Genesis is folding, I'd look for great deals on the newer model 501's and other Genesis models. I've had several people lately tell me to stay away from Genesis, given their financial situation, but if I can get some of their speakers for huge discounts, why should I stay away? Is it because of warranty issues? My 500's have been perfect, and couldn't someone else fix a faulty speaker for me (for a price, of course) anyway? I have never had to use the warranty on a speaker, maybe that's just good luck, but I have never had one blow or melt or anything. Any other reason not to buy Genesis speakers at huge discounts, if possible?
If someone want's to give up on Genesis, I might be interested to purchase a mint pair of Genesis 350SE or Genesis 201.

yes, it has been just announced at "Stereophile" magazine that Genesis has filed for bankruptcy...the only good thing, according to the article, is that it appears that someone, the owner of "Perpetual Technologies" products as reported, is "99% sure that he'll be buying the brand name for Genesis Technologies and continuing to manufacture some of its available products and have them manufactured in China with the same components and parts as previously built"...
in my case,as i already own two and would like to purchase another one, it was specifically mentioned that he is planning on assembling the 928 subwoofers and selling them for a list price of $1.200, which would be substantially less than the existing list price of $1.700 each.
as far as i am concerned, the 928 are a "best-buy" product, with two servo-controlled 12" metal woofers firing at opposite directions, very fast and agile drivers and yet capable of reaching down to below 20 Hz with vanishing distortion while playing at very high awesome product...!!!
Any new informations about the future of Genesis? I am also a great fan of them because the quality of sound of their speakers is one of the best in the world - I tried much other speakers but none of them were as good. I own a system II.
If it's true that they'll keep producing Genesis parts and speakers in China, hell will freeze before this American ever owns a new Genesis product. Great sounding speakers or not, I won't give a dime of my money voluntarily to murderous communists, nor will I assist in some greedy bastard's plans to stuff his own pockets with the fruits of slave and prison labor while denying his American countrymen employment. Unpopular opinion in these warm, fuzzy, politically-correct times? You bet. Do I care? Not a whit.
Vdub, Go to Wal-Mart, (or any other department store), walk up and down the isles, and tell me where everything is made!!
Arnie Nudell WAS Genesis, and was Infinity. Without Arnie, there is no Genesis, just as there is no Infinity right now.(dont tell me any of the stuff they are turning out even remotely resembles the Infinity of A. Nudell)
By the way, the Infinity EMIM and EMIT, (probably the worlds greatest achievement in driver design, were all made in Japan, by Tarnegin. Made in the USA, does not necessarily mean entirely.
I sincerely hope Arnie gets back into speakers, I am not sure anyone can touch him as a designer......Frank