Interaction between Sub XO and Amp?

I want to use my sub's crossover to cut off the lowest frequencies from my main (bookshelf) speakers. The concern I have is that the sub's amp will process the frequencies above the filter, resulting in a degredation of the sound quality.

Optimally, I'd like to use the line-level in/outs to run preamp out1 to the sub, then the line-level outs on the sub to the amp (and amp to the main speakers.) If the crossover works "before" the amp, and simply passes the frequencies above the cut-off to the amp, life is good. But if the amp gets involved and "corrupts" the clean, accurate signal my preamp is sending I need to decide whether to buy a sub whose amp won't degrade the signal (much) or just go with floorstanders despite a fairly small room (12x17).

Thanks for your help!


in any case, running your signal through the sub's crossover will degrade the signal. Explore dedicated crossover between the preamp out-amp in. I believe paradigm makes one, and there are some other choices out there.
This might be your ticket!!! check it out.
Hi Howard,

It's surprising that you haven't figured it out or that no one mentioned more about the Velodyne to you, especially that you stated you use one, I believe! In any case this is what I feel you should do. Firstly, as good as the Intech's supposed to be, best results with them are in most cases, usally in a large room, you need a pair for best results and they are expensive, however, now that prices in high end have decreased substantially, so if you must have Intech, maybe you could get a good enough savings. One thing to remember though, is that there are a lot of veriables when it comes to using subs, and you may find that one sub can be and sound better than two and be more flexiable, in certain situations! Now, all I know is this, I own a Velodyne FSR 18 and man does it ever kick F***'n Ass. I won't go into all of my system, but I'll tell you this much. The Velodyne FSR (earlier HGA) is so flexiable, it has at least 20 features and controls, the low pass is 40 to 120 Hz., there's internal crossover switch In/Out for external crossover use, at the flip of a switch, O" /180" phase adjustment, High pass crossover switch 80/100Hz., you could use line level like you're inquiring about and also speaker level, just to name few. It goes on and on. I own an original pair of Mission 770's from 1978 (1977-'79) whenMission changed the placement of the tweeter from '77, which made a world of difference. They were the first speaker on the market to offer the public polypropelyne! I have a Jolida tube preamp which is a surprising joy. I have a very powerful Amp, and all I can say is that the Velodyne is amazingly fast(for an 18"), coherent and seemlessly blends in with everything in my system that you don't even know it's there. If you could pick one up with the cheap prices around I don't think you'd be doing wrong. Stereophile rated the Velodyne 18" subs over many years as one of three best subs in the world. They also rated it class A year after year for many years. These earlier edition 18's were so much more flexible than their smaller models,with all the bells and whistles (that are very important with a sub) however their new 12's and 15's that they are making now supposed to be pretty good and might have a lot of the features and controls that you looking for and need! Check it out and let me know how you make out? Sincerely,