Integrated tube amp for Coincident Super Eclipse

Before I sell alot of my gear (recent job loss) I am wondering what integrated tube amp would be a great match for my Coincident Super Eclipse llls? What about SET amps? For whatever reason, I am thinking of a Cayin A88T as a good match.... any suggestions? I listen to folk, rock and jazz and my room is 12'x25'.
I don't know your speakers , yet . But I wonder how my Primaluna Prologue 2 would sound . It will take a myriad of input and output tubes and is self/auto biasing which makes tube rolling a breeze . It may not be an end all/be all solution but it can be a good tool to experiment with to discover what you like in the world of tubes .
Plenty of power for rock , nice detail and extension and available here from time to time for less than your stated price ceiling . If you don't like it it is easy to pass it on to the next audiophile .

Good luck .
I agree with the Almarro 318 recommendation, certainly should be on your short list.
Thanks I have some time on my hands now I can look further into your suggestions. Stay tuned to my auctions. LSA 1's will be first up soon.

Oh , I forgot to mention that I had a Cayin A 88T prior to the Primaluna . I found the Cayin to be warmer than the stock Primaluna but equal , in that respect , after rolling the input tubes on the Primaluna . The Primaluna has better detail and top end extension .

Good luck.