Integrated Preamp/Tuner?

I am looking for an integrated Preamp/tuner for 2 channel listening. I have a Mcintosh 7270 with Mirage M1 speakers and listen to CD/SACD on a Philips 963.
Must have a remote control and tubes might be nice. Any suggestions?

The Hafler 945 is a fine sounding pre with a VERY good sounding tuner.
It has full remote and is sleek and nice looking.
They sold new for $600 and the average used price is ~$400.They dont come up often but worth the wait or search if you want to spend in this price range.
I believe that MacIntosh had a few models in the '70s. I won't give up my Nak 630 Tuner-Pre-amp!. A most unique tuning dial (a real dial, round, not linear) with vernier motion.
NAD Monitor Series 1600/1700. Owned the 1700 and enjoyed it very much. Nice simple remote. Tone controls w/variable turn-over points. Wonderful Bass-EQ switch. Rotary dial for tuning. Overall a very nice piece of equipment.