Integrated Amps vs. Separates.

I'm curious what people think the better option is, integrated amp or seperates. It seems that integrated amps are a cost cutting measure, but do they also cut sonic quality? Assuming similiar price ranges, what would people here generally choose. Give me some examples/brands/models and comparisions from your experiences. Thnaks. Carter p.s. Is the Krell KAV 300i really the king of integrateds like many reviewers say (i.e not only better than all other integrated amps but better than most seperates)?
Once again I am short on time. Eldragon, I tested no other integrated amps. I was using a Meridian 557 amp and 502 pre. A guy I know locally offered it to me used. I disagree with the statements that for the same price separates is the way to go. It would cost a company less to make a amp/preamp in one box (i.e. interagted) than to make them in two boxes at the same performance level If money is no object, clearly separates are the way to go. Why? Nobody makes a "cost no object" integrated. And if they did, I can't imagine the size of it. But, for the most of us, if there is a itegrated in our price range, I would think it would be worth a listen. Drawbacks are the obvious up-grade factor. The Plinius 8150 has gotten great reviews. At it's price point, $3000, my guess is it would be hard to beat with separates. I would say the same with the 383 I just bought, at $6000 I think it would be hard to beat. Again, go to the Web site I listed and just read the first few paragraphs and read the strong points for them and a list that Stereophile has tested lately, a list that is growing rapidly. The Absolute Sound is testing a host of them in their current issue.
It really depends on your budget.The Sim Audio I5 is as good an integrated as i have heard.IMHO i prefered it to the Krell 300I.I was down to one or the other until I was seduced by the sound of the tube.If you have the soace and budget do the seperates.If you want to keep it simple go Integrated.Give the Sim I5 a listen if you can.Its worth every cent.
I agree with Tml2. I've owned the Sim Moon I-5 for almost a year, and can't be happier with it. If the I-5 were just a high quality solid state 75W/ch power amp, it would be worth the money. With the preamp section included, I think it is a downright steal!(especially if you live in Canada, where the prices are even better than elsewhere in the world)
This is a great topic, I have been bitten by this dam bug since i was 12 years old and i still have it. But a few weeks ago i sold off my levinson sepreates not to buy something else but to scale down and recoupe some of my money.Well I did not have music in my house for a few days and panic set in [ Sometimes i go for a month without even putting my system on] But knowing i only had my speakers and nothing else i stated to panic, then i remembered i had an old Fisher Intergrated amp in the basement, that i bought from a tag sale some years ago. Well guess what not only did i get my fix and the panic go away I love it.I am now looking for a tube intergrated amp with more power but I am sold on the concept.Thank you for letting me vent,who needs prozac!Or a shrink for that matter go and buy a stereo system an intergrated amp I am.