Integrated amps and stereophile ratings confusion?

I've been looking to upgrade my tube integrated amp to a receiver as i listen more radio than cd's, and also need more power. Magnum Dynalab 208 is the perfect candidate. I even found Stereophile issue where this amp was reviewed. Upon further research i also found out that the Magnum Dynalab receiver, which is based an older, cheaper Simaudio integreated gets Class A, while the MUCH improved I-5 gets class B? I would like to hear from both Sim-audio I-5 owners and MD208. Thanks!
My used MD 208 sounded fairly thin out of the box. The Stereophile review points out that this unit requires a long break in period. Perhaps this should be interpreted as it having taken a long time for the reviewer to get used to the sound. (There's a thread here by Marakanetz that challenges the validity of break in for electronics, versus the listener just adapting to the sound over time.) Personally, I thought the change in sound was real over a relatively long break in period for my unit. Nevertheless, the MD 208 still sounds slightly thin driving Thiel 3.6s. Notably, my old Etude in another room seems quite warm, with a socko midbass. On the other hand, I haven't heard the I-5, but I would think it's possible that the same circuit design could sound different in a different chassis. I agree that ultimately separates are better, and I chose a receiver because of installation constraints for this system.
If you've been into tubes, here's a wonderful (SS) upgrade that will give you a lot of the best tubes have to offer and the advantages of ss: YBA Passion Integre. 100 watts per channel of killer sound. I've had mine 6 weeks, now, and am still finding new wonders to this baby. It's reasonably priced and I compared it to most of the ss out there, and this baby came up the winner. good hunting
I'd be caerful with any integrated purchase. Based on a Stereophile recommendation I bought the Creek 5250 several years ago, but as another here has already pointed out, integrated Class B is not in the same quality category as Class B separates. Most integrateds, such as the Creek, have diminished bass and soundstaging capability compared to separates in t he same Stereophile category or class ranking. Much "smaller" sound results. "Postage stamp sound" as one of my local dealers put it. I feel Stereophile is committing a grave injustice by not pointing out the differences between integrated amps and their separates in the Recommended Components categories.
My problem with Stereophile is not what they recommend. I have found them to be, generally, very reliable. It's what they don't recommend or review. That's the deal. There is a shit load of great things out there, that they will never review. Why? Maybe not taking advertising space or....forgeddabout it. I'm not going there. It's a crying shame, what's out there, that will never see the print or market they deserve.
If you do not have the associated equipment the reviewer is using the recommendation is probably useless. I am skeptical of the reviewer not taking enough time to review the equipment also. The ratings are good when you are selling the equipment that you shouldn't have bought in the first place