Integrated amp with preamp tubes

Hi All,

I'm curious with perhaps downsizing my Bryston 3B3 & VTL 2.5(tube) with a good quality Integrated amp. 

Question: Are there integrated amps with a tube pre inside ? Would that be called a "Hybrid" integrated ?

I really like the tube/Solid state combo. I like a little warmth with my music. I'm just kicking tires at the moment. I know many will say that separates are the best way to go, but still curious to do some research on quality Integrated amps.Probably looking at $4000usd(used)

Love to hear some input, thanks in advance.


I always wanted to hear Copland, Danish High End hybrid amps.

In my list of wanted hybrids were Aesthetix, BAT, Heaven, Synthesis, Magnum Dynalab, ModWright, Rogue Audio and of course Mcintosh. They are all pretty expensive. 

Now I own Unison Research Unico SE.

And there are also Vincent, Advance Paris and Peachtree. But I do not trust them because of their marketing - they put a couple of tubes under the glass on a front panel, lighting them up with LEDs, like, Look! We have tubes! We are cheap, but your friends will be amazed! Most of the brands I mentioned before do not need to demonstrate what's inside, they can boast of their sound, you know.

I really like my Rogue Sphinx, because I really really like my Magnepans. You get the picture: speakers first. But I also think you’re seeing more of this combo of a tube input stage and ss output for power. The Rogue Pharaoh is the next level up from my Sphinx and seems to be widely respected. Having recently gained my first SET triode amp to drive a pair of 95 db speakers in a minimalist family room setup. I can appreciate the appeal of tubes, but I personally would not use one on my Maggies.