Integrated Amp with HT Passthru 1-2k

Hey folks.

Anybody have any reccommendations for a good Integrated Amp new or used with HT Passthrough in the 1-2k price range?

Tax time is looking pretty good for the slap-man, i'm considering getting a good integrated to run with my Denon2900 universal player, however it will need to pass the signal from my Denon AVR-3805 for HT purposes and be able to take a direct feed from my Denon 2900 for 2ch use. An LFE output would also be a big bonus!!!!!!!!!!

Not sure if i want to go the tube route or not. Even though the Tube-guys want to crusify me every time i say it, i really like solid state.

Im wanting to do an integrated with HT passthrough cause that is one of the easiest ways to get a decent 2 channel rig integrated with the HT aspect.

This way when watching movies the integrated will be controlled by the denon 3805 reciever. when listenign to 2 channel the Denon 2900 will be the source and it will also go directly to the integrated, so when listening to 2 channel, the Denon 3805 wont be anywhere in the signal path

Glad to see you making progress on your system. Here are the ones I know of in that price range. Sim Audio I-3 and the I-5. The Rougue can have the HT pass through added. Creek 5350 SE w/ phono stage (actually just under 1k on the Gon), Musical Fidelity A5 is new for $2500 but 250 wpc, haven't seen one used yet, Musical Fidelity A308, Ayre AX-7, and Blue Circle CS. These are the ones I have put on my short list. I am leaning heavily toward the Sim I-3 and I-5. Good luck!
Sorry for butting in and for the potentialy amateurish question but I want to verify my understanding of home theater pass through:

Does an integrated amp with home theater pass-through basically act like a stand alone 2-ch amp when in pass-through mode? In other words, when using a 7.1 processor with the integrated (via processor pre-outs and integrated HT inputs of course), I'm basically able to control volume level with the processor and the integrated is simplay acting as a 2ch amplifier? Or does the integrated simply pass the signal through a set of pre-outs requiring another external amplifier? I would assume the former but am getting confused because the same terminology is used for 2ch pre-amps with 'home theater pass through'.

"Does an integrated amp with home theater pass-through basically act like a stand alone 2-ch amp when in pass-through mode?"

The answer is yes. Therefore the A/V Processor controls the volume of the front two channels.


I would vote for the MF A308 integrated. It doesn't have an LFE out but has PRE outs you can use for a sub.
