Integrated amp to pair with Spendor S8e

I'd like to hear from current and former Spendor S8e owners.
Which amps worked best with this speaker.
My intent is to enjoy my music, not analyize it.
I enjoy all music but heavy metal/hip hop.
Also enjoy listening at low/moderate volume levels
Thanks Bongofury,
The LFD has been suggested several times now, As have some tube/ss hybrids such as Pathos, Cayin, Unico.
Appreciate the feedback.
Unico is fabulous as well. I heard this next to the Almarro at Audiomaxx in San Juan Capistrano in Southern California. Pitch perfect around jazz and classical.

You might want to ring both Gene Rubin or Audiomaxx and see what they would recommend as ideal pairings.

Either way, you will love the Spendors. I have a pair of of KEFs that were a gift from Pink Floyd in 1987. Once you have lived with the English sound, it is hard to get excited by other speakers.
I chatted with Gene online Thur. and his recommendation was LFD or higher end Naim. I did not talk about, nor did he mention, any tube gear.