Inherited amp

I have inherited two tube amps but there is no schematic diagram. It came with two sets of seven matched 6550 tubes (yes, seven). This is my first posting on the forum and I am not sure how to attach a picture.Any suggestions?
Time for Ralph to chime in.  Agree that it sure looks like someone knew what they were doing and did it well.
The Hammond transformers may be a clue.  I believe in the early '50's Hammond made a brief foray into home audio essentially adopting their organ amps.  Good luck in searching for info, but you might want to check out that possibility.
For anyone interested I have solved the problem of identifying this amp.It is based on a DIY design published in 2000 by Glass audio. It is a design by Joseph Norwood Still and goes under the title 100W Triode Amplifier. Luckily the article includes schematic so I was able to identify the the missing tubes. My amps have been extensively modified with additional circuitry including timers and relays.