Inexpensive Phono Cables Recommendations

I would appreciate a little advice from the Forum concerning phono cables recommendations.

As a threshold matter, I realize that the subject of phono cables has been exhausted on the Forum. So, please note that I have done my own research by reading through quite a few threads and have a general sense about the importance of phono cables. Although, asking an open-ended question about cable recommendations is a little like asking for "best speaker" recommendations (over 1300 posts on A'gon so far and still counting), it seems that the Cardas name comes up frequently.

I have two general questions: (1) How important are the I/C cables from the phono pre TO the line stage?? If important, I would appreciate some inexpensive suggestions that will yield a lot of bang for the buck. The cable I/Cs will need to run 10-12 feet from the phono pre to the line stage AND are RCA single ended. (2) I would appreciate some inexpensive suggestions for phono cables from the TT TO the phono pre. The phono cables will need to run roughly 5-6 feet from the TT to the phono pre and are also RCA single ended.

I realize that recommendations can be equipment specific, so here's a summary of the relevant equipment. Cartridge: (a) currently using a DV 20X2H MC, output voltage is 2.3 mV; but also (b) trying to buy a VPI Zephyr MI, output voltage is 2.4 mV, Zephyr looking to see 47K ohm impedance and 100-200 pF capacitance. TT is VPI Classic 1 w/ upgrade Classic 3 tone arm. Phono pre is an ARC PH-7, selectable input impedance (incl 47K ohm) and 200 pF capacitance. Linestage is an ARC Ref 3.

As can be seen from the specs listed above, the VPI Zephyr is looking to see between 100 and 200 pF of capacitance (I assume that's a "ceiling," not "floor"), BUT my PH-7 will present the cartridge with 200 pF of capacitance. So, on the surface, it appears that the cable I/Cs between the TT and the PH-7 should probably not present significant additional capacitance, or else, I assume, there may be a degradation of sonics.


P.S. I am embarrassed to disclose what I am currently using for phono I/Cs, but just assume that they are NOT strings held tauntly between Campbell Soup cans.

Oh. . . very important fact -- I do NOT use a ground wire and there is NO hum.
Bifwynne...what is inexpensive for you? This will help keep the recommendations in line with your budget? Also, what ICs and SCs do you use in the rest of your system? Some folks recommend keeping a cable loom within the same brand (and model if possible).
Assuming that you might have $200.00 to spend, try audioorigami's phono cable. They're excellent value for the money, imho.
Cmalak, Not quite sure how it's relevant, but my CDP and line stage are connected with Kimber Hero XLR cables, and the line stage and the power amp, the same. It seems to me that if the critical connect is from the TT to the Phono Pre, then I'm talking about a 5-6' run. My sense is that I would like to keep the cost to around $200 or less for the TT to Phono Pre leg.

However, if the Phono Pre to line stage leg is important, I don't know, I guess maybe $400 or less. I'd rather it be a lot less. The main thing is I don't want to shoot myself in the foot with something as simple as cable after investing so much in the VPI CLassic, cartrdige & Phono Pre.

Thanks again.
Bifwynne...I only asked what your other ICs and your SC are because there is one school of thought that says if you keep the same brand and even model cabling throughout your system, you will get better synergy, so maybe looking at Kimber Hero IC for the connection from Phono pre to your linestage and if they have a phono cable in the Hero line, then also using that from your tonearm to the phono pre. That was all behind the question. Good luck with your search.