Importance of Power Conditioner?

I currently using an old Adcom "power enhancer" and pondering power cable upgrades from stock, etc.

If I spend hundreds on a power cable from my source or amps to the power conditioner, how important is the conditioner?

Given finite resources, where should the money go, power cords or power conditioner. Or how would you spend the next $1k , 1 Wolff at $600 or ...?

System electronics
Meridian 508.24
Meridian Preamp
VAC PA 100/100
Hi my name is gary and i have a short story about power conditioner ?. i had a monster hts 5000 p.c. top of the line at time and i thout i was done . but then i read a article on p.c. that some p.c. restrict the amps.the article went on to say that by bypassing the p.c.and pluging the amp straight into the wall then you could tell the difference. and i could the amps was being though the hts 5000 it sounded resticted the bass was muddy and so on? but straight in the wall it sounded better. i did a lot of looking and ended geting bpt 2.5 at it did not restrict and removed the harmonic and so on. it made high shimmer and the bass had authority WOW BIG DIFFERENCE so good luck do your home work. agin p.c. do make difference crapy power in crapy power out
I had my Meridain 508/24 into a Chang Lightspeed and was ok, but I noticed a pretty good improvement just by upgrading to a better wall plug ( cryo'd Porter Port ) and pluging in directly to the wall,thus eliminating the Chang Lightspeed.If possible consentrate on clean power ( direct line ) from your electric panel,upgrade your wall receptical and then if you have any money left start with a power cord on your cd player. I used a Zu Cable "Mother" on my Meridian for quite awhile and it does a nice job for a modest price....Later on if you feel you need or want to try a conditioner you can pick up a Mini Stealth or Matrix....Hope that helps....