Import CD Question

When buying imports, specifically Japanese, is there a significant improvement in sound verses a standard CD?

I've seen various types of Japanese imports but am confused by their desriptions.

12x12 Japan LP Sleeve?
DSD Mastering
Limited Edition?

What should I be looking for when my intent is the best sounding CD possible?

Ron, I know of no such site. If you could list some things you're interested in perhaps someone will post with opinions. One word of warning though, many titles exist in 3-4 releases so it's best to refer to album number as well as title.
The ones I am looking at are mostly 60-70-80's rock but am open to all music style.

If memory serves most of the titles were Rolling Stones titles (Exile on Main St. - Beggars Banquet - Goats Head Soup) and there was also Santana (Abraxas)...
Ronreid - the tiles that you list (Stones and Santana) are available in remastered US versions that sound very good. Most of the Stones are also available in Hybrid SACD versions. I would be surprised if the regular Japanese sound better than these, but I've been wrong before.
I have to agree with R burke on this one. The hybrid SACD of the Stones probably would fit your pocketbook price wise and you can find selected titles on Ebay and the gon. As far as The Fab Four if there not already out then they are coming soon their catalog digitaly remastered. I don't know how those sound though.