If money was and was not of any concern when buying speakers.

If money was no concern i'd buy these speakers........

If money was of concern the best speaker for my dollar would be...... 
If money was no concern i'd buy these speakers........

The speakers that sounded best to me regardless of my amp because if money was no concern, I would buy the proper amp to drive them too.

If money was of concern the best speaker for my dollar would be......

The speakers that sounded best to me that could be properly driven by my current amp.

Money no concern, Wilson Benesch Endeavors.   

Money of concern, I like what I have now, BMC PureVox and Wilson Benesch Arcs.
@bcgator Wilson Benesch is awesome. The Arcs are great speakers. I live near a former dealer and auditioned them back in 2002.
If money no object... not sure, but I've heard Alta Statement Towers at $200,000/pair.

If money an object, no question, GoldenEar Triton One.