I need suggestions and ideas in picking a preamp.

Speakers -Sonus Faber Grand piano-home
Amps- Vas Citation Sound 2 Mono-blocks
CD Player - Marantz CD 17-MK ii
Dunlavy speaker cables
monster interconnects
Monster reference power center
Rel Strata III Subwoofer

I am looking to upgrade my Bryston .4B preamp. I have read a lot about the tube sound and so far i like what I hear even though the bryston is SS. Do I have to get a tube preamp to get the most out of my amps? Any suggestions on interconnects that will match my system will be greatly appreciated. I listen mostly to strong female vocals ,some jazz and some classical. I am new at this so if this has been answered before a link will be appreciated.
Thanks a lot to all of you. The Sonic Flare Article was a good read .I will start with the cables and go from there.


With due respect to 'Marakanetz' mention of using xlr connections, and bargain basement cabling, ($20)... if the power train is truly balanced topology front to back, that alone will enlist another level of quiet, or blacker background... That was my exp using an all BAT power line... and I did use some $35 xlr cabling. AT FIRST.

Someone mentioned I should see for myself how cabling can raise performance, and I did just that going to the Cardas Neutral Ref xlr's. The Diff was night and day. Following having a decent pair of ICs inline, I began trying power cords... Whoa! Things got even better!

The thing is, philosophiess and opinions around here are a dime a dozen... or less... so the decisive factor will be your own ears... ALWAYS. If ya hear a diff and like it, and are willing or able to pay for it, do it. If not? Well... yayy you.

I can not afford to pay for sheer egotisim. I pay only for what I percieve as sheer improvement. Now and then, there is a sideways step, but not too often.... again, I simply can't afford that luxury.

A severe lack of open mindedness and the subsequent lack of attention to cabling in my first rig was indeed the issue... not the components, by and large. That turned out to be a quite costly undertaking.

The above note on the Monster plc also has some weight. Via the CAble Co. you can try some plc's as well. PS Audio, Running Springs, Audio Magic, Pure power, are all good items with good technology built in.

Very good luck to you.
Thanks for all your help so far. I quick update- I pulled the monster power center and noticed a slight change in the sound ,I will say for the better. but I also switched the monster cables with the Nordost Blue Heaven and immediately noticed I couldn't listen at the same volume as before -,I had to tone it way down-not sure whether its a good thing or bad.The bass however seemed a bit tamed. The highs became more cleaner,each instrument sounded more distinct.Poor recordings sounded very bad. Will see what happens in a couple of days. thanks
You need to place the value of cabling,power cords and conditioners in perspective.Yes they have value,some offer improved fidelity,many just change the sonic character, but at the end of the day their merits are limited to about 2 to 3% of the equation.

Cabling, such as anything else in terms of noticeable infulence, impact or improvment will depend upon the systems ability to reveal such changes, and the ears of the owner..... and maybe their pockets.

Keeping open your mind, and using your ears, you'll know what is best for you. Different is always differrent... sometimes it's better... sometimes it is not. You are the judge.

Not me or anyone else.