I need a Pre-Amp What should I get?

I have B&W 804 speakers,subwoofer, Adcom SS amp, Cardas Cables and Rega P3 TT w/ 45MV cartridge. Looking for a tube Pre-Amp with MM capability!! I like jazz- Brubeck, bluegrass- Gerry Garcia and rock- stones,dead,REM. Keep price under $1500 please.
Yeah, the ADCOM GFP750 for $600-700 would probably be a best bet. I decided years ago to NOT risk this ADCOM's sketchy version of the Nelson Pass design and got the real thing (Aleph P) used for $1800 instead. You'd never outgrow it.
I just checked ebay, and the info that I gave has all been changed.

The unit has been relisted with a new # and a price of $1999.

Sorry, if you were interested.