I'd love some help/opinions

I am brand new to the site and I am in audio geek heaven, even though I really don't know much of anything. I used to be a entry-fi nut and ended up with a set of AMC 2445 amps/ AV81HT pre and some Snell Type J IIIs. Well I'm at a point now where I can spend some more dough and I'd like to up the ante so to speak. I'm looking at either monoblocking a pair of Rotel 1080's or getting a Bryston 4B ST. I've heard the Bryston and its amazing, I love it and I'd love to build my system around one. Would the 1080's even be close to the 4B ST if they were monoblocked? I've got about $3500-$4000 to spend on a new amp/pre and speakers. I'd like to spend $1500 on the amp, $800 on the pre, and a $1200 on the speakers, with a little left over for cabling. I really love the Bryston, but would love a complimentary pre, or some good suggestions. I'd also like some speakers that sound stage very well. I've been scouring the site, but I seem to get more and more confused. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Mike.
Ok, thanks for the info everyone, I appreciate it.

After looking around and expanding my price range a bit,
I've decided that I am now even more confused than before. I'm looking for somewhere to start. How about the ProAc 2.5 or Ref 8 sig? What about Audio Physic Spark or Yara? Totem Mani's? Again I'm looking for resolution of detail and soundstaging. I will be playing CD's only. I also need a relatively small, narrow profile speaker to keep the wife happy. :) Thanks again!
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Thanks for the response. But why would someone buy an ACTIVE speaker? Doesn't it limit your overall set of options when it comes to upgrades and finding the right sound? I think I have decided to go with the ProAc 150's. Thanks.