I Am Tired of Bogus Measurements

My expensive shoes have measurements but it doesn’t matter, all I want to know is will they fit. My expensive new suit has measurements but it doesn’t matter, all I want to know is will my expensive new shoes match.

The people being misled by measruements aren’t being led my manufacturers, they are being misled by reviewers. Idiotic rankings of digital gear based on measurements outside the range of human hearing. Cancelling entire brands who put out features customers actually want as they sell to humans, not bats. The worst of these websites will rant about their own superior $$$ equipment but mot even one person will ever use speakers in a klippel matchine, they actually put them in a room! The horror. The cancelling of brands, the talking down to the customers, is bogus.

You need to measure what matters! Are the customers actually happy? Is the warranty honored? Most importantly is their an in home audition period?
I don’t need someone to tell me if I could or should like a product. My room is not a test bench, or a klippel machine. Who cares what the component measures by itself because unless its a clock radio I’ll never use it by itself, I have to interconnect it in a "system" with "high quality" cables, (as in all cables are not the same).

If you want to measure something measure how your personal system of curated components interact with your room. That’s it. The rest of the stuff you could forget because these days if a brand overpromises and under delivers they will be following a formula for losing money, an no company likes that.


Showing 8 responses by kota1

If measurements don’t help us get the sound we’re after then we need different measurements.

I find the in room FR measurements helpful.

nobody can tell the difference in a blind test.

That’s why I find measurements bogus when they try and promote a product as superior based on a graph of some sort. My in room FR measures well because of my effort in making it that way, not because of my DAC’s measurements, or whatever.

They attack the test

This paper on interconnect pathway measurements was published on AES

The author has spoken at over 100 topics and has received numerous awards.

The contradiction to the agenda of the lowlifes publishing bogus measurements sent them straight into a meltdown. Instead of publishing something themselves in AES with facts they simply attacked the test and the author.

The author has a link to reply to these attacks at the top of this paper.



You have no bat, no ballpark, and no speakers. You aren't qualified to call anyone "out" except yourself. If you want to "play" please post your system and FR measurements.

Do you see why I say you always argue? You don't have any game, any credentials, any experience, any speakers, and any relevance. 


When "clearthinking" fails go back to "bogus" attacks. The absolute BEST you can do is make threats? 

I love sinking lower than you, best not mess with me.

I would classify your statement as "deranged" thinking, its "clear" why you seem threatened by FACTS, deal with it.


It has been demonstrated that frequencies above the human threshold of hearing generate brain activity

Link? Sleep generates brain activity too, why is this relevant??


Your equipment looks very nice, thanks for posting. I think what @thyname and I want to know is how do measurements impact your equipment choices and room setup? I think that's a fair question. 


Like I said, he has NO relevance. Thank you for noting, I hope more forum members are wise to that guys duplicity.


@andy2 , don't feed the troll, he will never, ever, stop arguing.🤪


A such, I find specs somewhat important.


Where measurements have impacted a buying decision, is when sites like ASR do a review and post a bunch of measurements that appear to contradict the claims of a manufacturer.

This is where bogus begins. The websites publishing these measurements don't do it for free. The more traffic they get, the more money they make. My point is that you have to "test" yourself through auditioning. Both the manufacturers and the publishers of bogus measurements can make mistakes. 

I never really got a straight answer as to why Amir's measurements were not valid. 

He asks for money in every review. It is easy  for him to spot the reviews that generate the most money and I wouldn't put much faith in something so easily. Look at the number of reviews he publishes, it is like a drive by. If you look at his "lab" it is bare walls, bare floor, and big speakers. Not really lab or studio conditions. Many members here have much more favorable conditions to listen to gear.

Not even from Paul at PS Audio

Products are system dependent, I don't think any brand can predict how a customer will like a product under every condition.

Hope that makes my position clear