Hybrid SACD the new standard?

According to Stereophile news it seems that a big push for changing to this new option is going to happen.
Worth checking....
Maybe it would be different in your home system, Sean? I just want the silly dvd-a, sacd "war" to go away...I do think sacd is being driven by the fact it is not able to be copied and the cd layer of a hybrid will be copy protected..the peggy back sacd will force its way into our homes, in time, if sony and universal bit the bullet and take some losses upfront. I think they are panicing and will do anything to "protect" the music. Losses to copying must be biting.....just my 2 cents worth[about.05cents US.....
I feel the same towards such a high price item, 23 is steep.
But let's assume that SACD doesn´t by itself open market enough.... so here you have this two companies with a fading profit generating media(CD) that is plagued with copy problems. Now if they have invested a bundle in SACD and if this is not making money in a foreseeable future, then let´s mate the failing old dog with the new hound copy protect everything and let´s the volume produced help the new one and copy protect the old dog.....Not bad thinking for them.
I´m not sure they´ll stop producing CD´s but for sure it will drive the market if the new stuff is "only available " in the hybrid discs...... let´s see if the catch bites the lure.....
This sucks. I always make back up copies of my cds so i'm able to store the originals and not scrach them and have to buy the album again. Isn't that the legal whole reason behind this anti-copying ban?