Hybrid Integrated Amps: Any Good?

I have the opportunity to purchase a Bada dc-222 for around $400. It's a tube pre/solid state power integrated amp. Part of me says, "Wow, tube and solid-state, best of both worlds," while another part of me says, "Sounds like a gimmick and compromise that is going to be the worst of both worlds." Thoughts?
07-14-12: Malcolmreynolds21
Thanks guys! I'm also worried that the unit doesn't have tone controls, and that I'm currently using the tone controls on the amp I have now. Should I be worried about that?

The answer, IMHO, to tone controls is to get a amp/speaker combo that has nice tone. If it doesn't, then you've bought the wrong equipment. All tone controls do is heighten or lessen the balance between tones; they can't improve the quality of tone, which is what you buy a high end amp FOR. :)

Good luck in your search. I'm considering the Jolida 1301 myself as a 'summer amp.'
