How to test those NOS tubes

After many decades of audiophilia nervosa und some years of tube rolling, I've finally bought myself a nice WE Tube Checker to try to measure and match those critters myself. Since I'm an absolute greenhorn in this game, what are the main parameters I must look out for? How do I test for noise for example ? Is there a site, which helps newbees like me? Are there books I should be on the look out for? Could anybody tell me the basics? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
As far as testing tubes, for noise, a George Kaye Noise tester, is the solution. It lets you hear, the actual noise, a tube makes. Most testers, are not reliable, in their noise testing. A better solution, is to match them, with the tester, and then listen to them, in circuit. No tester, can predict, how a tube will act, in every circuit. A tube can be fine, in one amp, and present problems, in another.
Thanks Fletch! In the meantime I've realised this for myself. Throw them into your pre or pre-pre and listen. I've now got a Funke W-19 (Similar to the famous Hickock Cardmatic) where I can match tubes as closely as possible before testing them in the cicuit, where they are to perform. You live and learn. Cheers,
I recently got a VTV tester which lets you listen for noise as well as microphonics. It has been quite an earopener.