How to Move Heavy Audio Components

Does anyone have suggestions on moving heavy pieces of equipment. How does one person box up a 90lb.amp or a 100 lb. speaker? The older I get the weight of the component is becoming a critical consideration.Thank you.
Very carefully. Or have a chiropractor on retainer. I think it was Mark Twain who said the older my father got the smarter I became. Or the heavier my equipment got; take your pick. Bending your knees while lifting objects from the ground helps lots./ The next day you know if you bent your knees. Depending on your creatitivy the job can be a bit eaiser. My Cat/with the attached by umbilical can be daunting. If you live upstairs, getting things there, can be fun. Not to mention, the jounce of the dolly on each stair, is bone jarring, to whatever is coming up or down. Get help if you can. Your equipment and back are worth it.
Attached by umbilical / should have continued :referring to the mutha of a power supply attached to the pre.Fun 1 man project.
If you have wooden or tile flooring, it is very easy to place the component on a blanket and drag it (this will work on carpet but tends to create friction). If you don't
have a dolly this is a good substitute.
I have moved many a heavy object on my daughter's skateboard. They have wide nylon wheels which roll easily on carpet and don't damage hardwood floors. By leaning the object slightly to one side they turn corners nicely. For really heavy stuff, I call my daughter. She has owned horses all of her life and carries two 50 pound bags of feed on her shoulder at once! Youth is wasted on the young.
Don't take this the wrong way, but think about your health instead of moving your gear. It's probably time to start a good exercise program. If your having a hard time moving gear now, think of what kind of shape you'll be in another 5, 10 or 15 years. What good is having the finest gear and music in the world if your too sickly to enjoy it ??? Sean