How to add to my 2-chanl int. amp for home theater

I have a good two-channel integrated amp I use for music. I'd like to move to home theater inexpensively, that is without replacing my entire system. How can I add to what I have to get surround sound processing and amplification for the other channels? Ideally, I'd like a surround sound receiver that has line-level outs for the front right and left channels, so I can use my integrated amp. for those, and use the receiver for the other channels. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find one that has them. The closest is receivers that have pre-amp outs. But that would bypass the preamp stage of my integrated amp. even for music, and an inexpensive surround receiver won't have as good a preamp as my integrated amp. I'd like to spend $500 or less but will consider more expensive solutions.
In addition to Jdcrox: most processors/receivers incorporate some kind testlevel-noise. Hook the gear up, turn the integrated stereo-amp to 12'o-clock, sit in your listening/viewing place, and adjust the noise so all speakers give the same output. Then put in a DVD and enjoy! By the way: I just bought a secondhand Yamaha DSP-E800, a processor with built-inn power amps for centre and rear speakers, leaving the fronts to your stereo-amp. It cost me around 130 dollars (100 euro's), so maybe that's a suggestion?
I just want to reiterate what I said earlier and what everyone else is telling you. Based on our knowledge AND personal experience (many times over) You DO want to run the L&R front pre-outs from the receiver to an unused line-level input on the integrated amp. You MUST use the receiver (or some other kind of external box) to perform the pre-amp and volume control function because you need ALL channels to track the same volume level.

I (and the other posters) have used this type of setup and it works flawlessly. It is also the simplest and least expensive option.

Simply connect your dedicated music sources to the integrated anp. When you want two channel music, play it as you do new.

Hook up HT sources (DVD, VCR, TV, Cable-box) to the HT receiver. When you want to watch HT, Turn on the receiver in addition to the integrated. Select the apporpriate input on the integrated amp, set the volume to your "pre-defined level" on the integrated and now your HT receiver controls everything. Once you have selected the correct input on the integrated and have set the volume to the :pre-defined level", your integrated simply acts as an external amp running off of the receivers front L&R pre-outs.


Thanks a lot for all your help, guys. I knew it wasn't as complicated as others were making it out to be. You've saved me a lot of trouble and money. I appreciate it!
I use the Yamaha DSP-E492 unit bought used and it is just great. It has 3 channel amplification of 60 watts each an uses your existing receiver for the rest. It does everything you want in one box at a low price. You can buy them used from $75-150 range. Check out the Yamaha website for details.
Ehmmmm Isopod, I might be wrong here, but I thought the 492 doesn't offer Dolby Digital or DTS?