How To Add A Sub To B&W N802's

I am thinking about buying one of the B&W 800 series subwoofers to my N802's. I honestly know nothing about how to go about this or if it is even a good idea? I thought about upgrading to bigger B&W's like the 801's but thought this might be an easier and cheaper route. Any advice on this at all?
yeah I feel like I am missing that slam. I listen at very loud levels and my room is fairly big but who knows how long I will be in the same room. I read it is a good idea to get two subs for stereo listening but I really don't think I can do that finincially right now. I will only be using this for streo music by the way in case that helps with the replies. This is kind if embarrasing but I don't even know how you would hook up a sub, do you hook it up to the preamp or what?
Shadorne I do not even know what bass managment is. Honestly I never even though about a sub till recently but at first it seemed like a good idea instead of upgrading the speakers which would be very costly. The sub I am looking at retails at $3500.
I use a REL Stentor III with my 802N's. Extremely fast and musical sub. B&W subs are really not what you would want.
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The simplest may be to get a Y adaptor to take your preamp outs to the sub and your mains.

Since you have large floorstanders then I would run them full range and use the sub to fill in just the bottom octave.

The issue you will face is room modes....large peaks and nulls in the bass response below 100 Hz due to the most rooms you end up with boomy bass and two or three peaks that need an EQ notch filter to bring then down and lots of acoustic treatment to try to keep the bass even above 100 Hz. Look up Rives PARC on their website for info.

It would be a big mistake to get a $3500 sub and not check your setup for room modes and try to EQ it a bit to get something a bit smoother....