How To Add A Sub To B&W N802's

I am thinking about buying one of the B&W 800 series subwoofers to my N802's. I honestly know nothing about how to go about this or if it is even a good idea? I thought about upgrading to bigger B&W's like the 801's but thought this might be an easier and cheaper route. Any advice on this at all?
I use 803D mains and a B&W ASW825 sub with HTM2 center and 805s for the rears. This works very well for HT, but I run only the 803D for stereo and have been very satisfied with the base. Perhaps some speaker positioning or room adjustment/treatment could help? Also the B&W is a bit of a difficult load, especially the big guys like you have- maybe a bigger amp?
yeah I feel like I am missing that slam. I listen at very loud levels and my room is fairly big but who knows how long I will be in the same room. I read it is a good idea to get two subs for stereo listening but I really don't think I can do that finincially right now. I will only be using this for streo music by the way in case that helps with the replies. This is kind if embarrasing but I don't even know how you would hook up a sub, do you hook it up to the preamp or what?
Shadorne I do not even know what bass managment is. Honestly I never even though about a sub till recently but at first it seemed like a good idea instead of upgrading the speakers which would be very costly. The sub I am looking at retails at $3500.
I use a REL Stentor III with my 802N's. Extremely fast and musical sub. B&W subs are really not what you would want.
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