How many dancing audiophiles out there?

I don't mean that you dance when you listen..... well that may be ok too. I am curious if many or any of us dance in some organized venue, I have started recently and LOVE it. It allows me to mix two things I enjoy very much, women and music. In particular to those who are married, I strongly recommend doing it, your women will love you for it- more than you can imagine. Besides its a lot of fun!

I am learning west coast swing and find it quite enjoyable :o)
I am a big fan of dancing as a way of expression. Artists
draw, musicians play and...I dance. It's a way of breaking
the ice in a club and, when there is a live band playing,
dancing to their music gives them a lift and signals to
the crowd that there is communication going on! I have done a number of the various dances through the years to R&B and
Rock and Roll tunes, but haven't done much in the Latin,
Caribbean, or South American vein with the exception of
the Cha-Cha, Meringue' and a bit of salsa/samba. I've
been talking of taking salsa/samba classes, but haven't
made the time to do so yet. There is still hope! In the
meantime, for those of you who are still on the fence about
dancing, just go do it. The Dance POlice will not come
snatch you off the dance floor!

Solari Pierce
I tried swing dancing once here in Los Angeles, and I don't think anyone sucks at it more than I do. I'm down right orthopedic! I had a better time trying flamenco at a Cuban restaurant. It probably has to do with my music preferences as well.