How loud is loud, What DB is actually loud?

I like I should say love old school rock and hip/hop rap and funk all kinds of music. I found out my dads listening level is around 75DB which i find to be completley unsatisfying.

I was looking up Quad esl's and everyone says witha 85DB rating they wont go loud, but how loud is loud, How loud is rocking out?
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I listen to music around 80db with peaks to 90db with a Radio Shack SPL meter. Obviously I can turn it up higher if really in the mood to rock, however the best part of a great music passage is the silence inbetween the riffs. The dynamic range and level of a recording has plenty to do with what level sounds good to the listener. Most of the rap is recordeed at the full range capable so all the music and lyrics are at the same volume level. This is just as bad a compressed music MP3 etc.
For me it is about the sound quality. The experience of the music. Volume takes second chair.
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Rocking out starts at 95 dB SPL IMHO and can go as high as 105 db SPL at the listening position. You need a system that is capable of producing these prodigious volumes cleanly with as low distortion as at 85 db SPL or else it will just sound awful rather than exhilarating.