How long before Paradigm Studio series break in???

I'm praying that these speakers get better. I've had these for only about 3 days but I'm definately not happy. What I heard in the store is not what I'm hearing now. I like my music loud but these things get messy when things get loud. Is it possible that this is just because they haven't broken in yet? Is it because I need more power? When I heard them in the store they were being fed 425 wpc via a Sunfire Cinema Grand amp. I have a Parasound HCA-1500A which is only about 205 wpc. Could this be the problem?
Thanks for all of your feedback. I think I'll be selling these speakers pretty soon. I wwas planning on getting into tubes within a few months and I don't think these speakers are ideal for small tube power. I'm currently looking at the Coincident Triumph Signatures (94 dB). I think these will appreciate the SET amp I plan on getting.
Oh well, we'll see.

Thanks again.
If you're looking for efficent bookshelf speakers check out Reference 3a de capos. They're some of the best bookshelves I've heard.