how good is the Parasound halo, & BAT components

Any thoughts on how the Parasound halo & BAT compare with the older krell kav line - has anybody heard both.

I currently I am running Krell KAV500i wth Dynaudio speakers. I live in Saint Louis,
and do not know of any dealers of parasound & bat stuff that is local.

I am looking for seperates that have as much drive/ "forced tempo" as the krell, but sounds a little more alive.

Overall I am happy with my system, but I am starting to keep and eye to the future. and Looking at keeping more with in budget.

Any Thoughts?
Try picking up a used Krell FPB amp. My system went from good to sounding close to a live (real) listening experience when I went from the JC-1 monoblocks to my present Krell amps. The Krells (I have) are much more liquid, detailed, better bass, and real sounding amps than the Halos were.
I enjoyed the JC-1s for the couple years I used them, and they are good (price/power/quality) buys for the money they cost. But they were outclassed by both the Ayre and Krell amps I have used since them.
The only BAT gear I have owned was the VK-31se preamp, and I liked it alot, although not as much as the Ayre, or Singlepower I have now.
Doesn't Wylie with the Speaker and Stereo Store still carry the Halo line?

Another thought, John with Musical Design / Musical Concepts in St. Peters builds some well reviewed amps. He also can mod most amps for better performance.