How does the Levinson 32 preamp sound?

I would like some opinions/feedback about the Levinson Reference #32 preamp. How does it sound compared to the #380s? How does it sound vs. the best regarded preamps out there? I've read a few reviews, but I would like some other opinions. It would be replacing my #380s in an all Levinson/Revel Salon system.
Thanks for all the info. I have bought a #32 and agree with you. It does sound better in many ways than the 380s! I got a little more out of it by plugging it into the PS Audio P300 power conditioner, more slam and dynamics. The reason I wanted some second opinions is that my system has been down for a couple of months, and I sold my #380s and so I did not have it to compare with.
If you would like to share ideas on Mark Levinson/Revel systems email me back.
I'm not sure the P300 is necessary or not as 32 has its own generator by converting AC-DC-AC in 400Hz.

My dealer strongly advised me not to plug the 32 into P300 and said it will not bring any improvement. I haven't tried it since 32 connected into my system. I'm using Siltech SPX-20 powercord.

Happy listening.
I absolute agree with Steven, the PS300 will make different sounds, if the 32 has its own generator by converting AC-DC-AC in 400Hz. why we need to change the power cord, Dealer only for advised but we only believe in our Ear. I was supprised Mark levinson produced a expensive preamp but provided a cheap power cord. Is anybody ever tried on their CZ Gel interconnect? I'm satisfied with my Transparent Reference BLXL.