@goofyfoot ....thanks for the recommendation. The older one is going to major in psychology...or at least that is what his passion is (for now!). He is exploring this as a foundation for law school. The younger one is starting to follow my foot steps into engineering. I have seen both improvising on music they like to play...and that was awesome...when you see them light up, practice music they want to play, and improvise over the top. The sparkles of creativity start to shine and not just accept what is just handed to you. Priceless.
I, on the other hand, will eventually sign up for the Berklee School of Music online! I have no intent of changing my career at this late juncture, but i am really passionate about jazz. I took my ABRSM Level 3 piano exam a couple of years ago (I am well over 50 years old) and passed with distinction! Crazy trying to memorize 3 songs, orally echo back notes played to you by the examiner, play on demand melodic and harmonic scales! What was I thinking?! But sadistically intrigued by the torture.