How do you determine how much to spend on speakers

Hello all,

I am just starting out in this HI-FI stuff and have a pretty modest budget (prospectively about 5K) for all. Any suggestions as to how funds should be distributed. At this stage, I have no interest in any analog components. Most notably, whether or not it is favorable to splurge on speakers and settle for less expensive components and upgrade later, or set a target price range and stick to it.

$1500 for speaker, $2250 for amplifications, $1250 for CDP. Use off the shelf non-audiophile cable and lamp cord for speaker cable for now and upgrade those later.
Provide yourself with an upgrade path. Looking at todays offerings I find Sonus Faber Electa Amators w/ stands for $2200 obo. And A Proton tuner for $60. There are numerous possibilities for a serious integrated around $1200. Get a decent CD or DVD for under $500 which can serve as a transport when and if you upgrade. Buy interconnects from Wicked or somebody for $35 to $50 bucks a pair and spend a couple of hundred on speaker cables. That's somewhere between $4K and $4.5K depending on the deals you can cut.
Now when you are ready you can add a DAC or a subwoofer and
use your integrated as an amp or preamp while making upgrades to either one. This way you'll be able to thoroughly establish yourself before the disease completely immobilizes any lingering capacity for rational thinking or judicious investment. Good luck and welcome to the ward.
I have heard the opinion for years which states that you should put the bulk of your system budget in speakers. It was probably first authored by the speaker companies who mark speakers up substantially more than the electronic companies. The baton was then quickly passed to the retailers who clearly make more money from speaker markup than electronics as well. It is true that garbage speakers are no bargain at any price, but come on people, you must agree that people's opinions on speakers are more influenced by name brand reputation and snob appeal than any other component. There is a pantheon of highly tauted yet horrible speakers...witness the Bose 901...the object lesson. Instead, show me good quality drivers, a speaker that doesn't look like R2D2 in drag, and a a simple design uncluttered by excessive drivers.
This much I know for certain, there are some speakers that sound better than others costing 2 to 3 times as much. Beware of stereo budget ratios specifying some fractional amount to be dedicated to speakers...unless you are prepared for the endoscope to follow...
That one is simple. Spend twice the amount that your
willing to disclose to your wife. You will flattly
have to lie about the ic's and speaker cable. Don't
even bother to mention about the power cords. Good luck