How Do You Clean Your CD's?

I have been wondering what different products and methods people use to clean their Cd's?
Ag insider logo xs@2xsquiddy
I agree Craig and know where George is coming from. After running into problems with DVD rentals from Blockbuster "skipping" or being unreadable half-way through the movie, i clean ALL of them now. I told the manager at the local store that they need to clean their discs and the employees responded: "we don't have the proper tools to do that". I just laughed and explained the "quick and dirty" method of dish soap and warm water. They were amazed and swore that it would ruin them. Oh, the little minds and unbelievers... : ) Sean
I would caution using anything with ammonia in it. If ammonia can eat the backing on a mirror, I would be leary about it. I recommend as others have already, soap and water. I have also heard that a good dishwasher soap may be a good choice as it will leave no residue.
I've been using windex with amonia for about five years and my discs are still in excellent condition. absolutely no problems ever.
I would never recommend using any "windex" type products. These contain various chemicals & additives that could damage the surface, or, at the least, leave a film of some kind. I use the smallest pin drop of dishwashing liquid (only clear kinds, NOT Dove), after wetting the disc with water, preferably distilled. If the disc is wet, carefully & lightly using a smooth fingertip will not incur any friction or scratches on the surface. If you do not have smooth & soft fingertips, I would use a soft, lint-free cotton fabric very carefully. And as others have pointed out, cleaning motion should be in a radial motion only, not in the direction of the "grooves". Rinse well with tap water, followed by a final rinse with distilled water. Then gently blot the water with a soft, cotton terry cloth, taking care not to drag it across the whole disc.
i use automotive-type plastic polisher, but only if i encounter a disc that's wisibly marred or has tracking problems. this stuff will ackshully remove wery fine scratches. best to polish in a direction from edge-to-center of the cd. also works great on motorcycle face-shields.... ;~)

doug s.