How are the Classical music XRCDs?

I have, and love, several of the jazz discs. Any thoughts on the classical music?
They're superb, easily better than the RCA Living Stereo versions--fuller and richer.
I recently bought two Reiner recordings that I also own as Living Stereo CD's and original vinyl. The detail and clarity of the XCRD's is incredible.
I have most of the RCA-derived XRCD2's, and they are a significant improvement over their conventional CD counterparts. The best ones are the Reiner Bartok Concerto for Orchestra (just breathtaking), the Reiner Respighi (much smoother and fuller than the Living Stereo CD), and the Reiner 'Iberia' (which, BTW, has no Living Stereo equivalant--the XRCD2 blows the older CD issue away completely).
Hi friends I have been buying XRCDS for a while, I love the way the sound much better than Red Book and better than sacd, and LP. I a classical from the movie Gone with Wind it is fantastic. Camaron