Hottest Wife or World's Best System??

Happy New Year everyone. And tired of the same old debates on the forum. Let's have some fun. Most of us on this site are blessed with great audio systems and a hot wife. But.....if you weren't, and given a choice. To have the Hottest wife in the World, or to Have the World's Best Audio system withou debate. You can't have both. Take into consideration, what lasts longer. Music goes on and women , well.... Forget about it, I'd take the audio system. Have a Great New Year everyone!!
I see this as as an age related thing, and I'd go for Hot Wife from age 21 to 22, Best System from age 22 to 88. By then hearing will be gone, so die in a bordello at age 105.
I would take a hot wife first than i would plug her into the same outlet as my hi fi system and see what lasts longer than i will keep the winner.
Glutton hit bullseye with his feedback. The music lasts, and lasts..... Masterbate is the way to go; there is no complaints, no cuddling, no nagging, costs nothing and it could be any woman you desire. The mind is a powerful tool.