HK t-60.....

Recently acquired a t-45...and was wondering what additional features/gains the t60 would present....the 45 has the "Micro" arm, suspension design, auto lift, removable interconnects, on the surface it would appear the 45 is 90% of the 60...any thoughts?
the t 45 does indeed have the feet adjustable-suspension platter...or at least the one i have is a bit more "wobbly" than I am used to for a turntable....I assume to absorb unwanted vibrations...but is fairly stable with the disc stabilized in place...not a huge fan of i am remaining local for my audio needs...that being said...the tech that serviced my t 45 claimed it surpasses $600 tables today...which is roughly a Rega P2...good enough for now....and that they typically sell for 100-150...
I believe your tech, that's why I fixed my T60. The 3 point suspension I mentioned isolates the tonearm/platter/motor from the plinth. I agree, ebay can be iffy, so you might want to check out vinyl nirvana if you ever get the itch. He only works on AR and Thorens, and sells completed units very reasonably priced. Even if you're not in the market, there's a lot of good info there.
I have a T55c and it's a great table for the most part, but it's way too susceptible to acoustic feedback and footfalls. It's now sitting in a closet because of this issue. I've heard it's a common problem for the series.
Wayside-what cartridge did you use and what did your T55C sit on? Was your cartridge a proper match for the Microrace tonearm? Compliance and weight must be considered. Did you use the HiFi news test record to identify your cantilever and tonearm's resonance points? I have never (read never) heard any acoustic feedback from my t60 or from those of my friends, and none of ours have ever had a problem with footfalls, even though my friends have their t60's on bouncy floors.
I was using a Signet AM20 cart, and no, I don't own a test record. The table was sitting in the same place all of my tables sit and none of the others were so sensitive.

It originally had an Ortofon OM20 mounted, which is a super low mass cart and perhaps a much better match to the low mass arm of the HK. I'll put the Orto back on it and re-test.
