High speed internet via electrical power lines

I have been reading that electric companies are going to get into the internet business by carrying digital signals VIA THE ELECTRIC POWER GRID! Essentially, this results in a modulated carrier frequency over all electrical wiring in your house, whether you want it or not! The FCC sees no problems (corporate profits never seem to be a problem for the FCC...note what has become of broadcast radio after deregulation!) and has approved some trials for power companies. Will there be problems for audiophiles from the resulting increased "grunge" on the power lines? Or will this be a non-factor.
For info see....www.global-instruments.com.

I have suggested that audiophiles might like to use this device to test their AC power conditioning equipment.
I also read in the Indy paper that Martiansville now is going to High speed internet over powerlines. The benefit to this is - All the lines accross the usa. I myself cannot get high speed internet because of where I live, Unless I look to the sky. Land line isn't in my area. Now if this works out I may be able to get high speed over the power lines, the lines all already their. Giving a service to someone who otherwise can't get it.. The lines all already their.. Increase in customer base.. The lines all already their.. Increase in profits... The lines are all ready their. This will be big, big, big. All that needs to be done is to install a transformer every 1/2 mile or so, as I understand it, because the line are all ready their!!!
I had a BSR X10 remote system thing, like you get at Radio Shack that turns outlets into remotes by sending a pulse through the line into a receiver, so you can imitate trailer trash and have a silent clapper that turns lights, appliances etc on / off by remote control.
When I installed my first power conditioner, suddenly the system didn't work anymore, and I then discovered I had to put the remote system on another circuit to get it to work again.
The moral of my story (could) be that power conditioners might have an effect upon the internet capabilities of the house electrical system.
That should be interesting.