High Sensitivity Speakers

Within the last year I purchased a Pass Labs XA 60.8 ... which I am pleased with.  It’s a great match with the rest of my system which includes Avant-garde Uno Gen 1 speakers (sorry about the hyphen but the spell check insists).  I like the speakers a lot but they are now 17 years on so I assume speaker technology has moved in quite a bit in thus time.  So as I considered new speaker alternatives I discovered that the Pass Labs 60.8 (69 w class A, 120w class A/B) are “underpowered” for a number of speaker brands.  I am not keen to trade my amp up but it’s an option.  So looking to upgrade speakers I an looking at Avant-garde Duo Gen 3.  Any input on other speaker brands that might be sensitive enough to match with the amps I currently have?  I live overseas so by brand choice is a bit limited to “well known” brands.  My system: SME 20/2 tt, Tom Evans The Groove phono preamp, Brooklyn + DAC, PS Audio 15 Power Plant, Joule Electra line preamp, 4 Rel 812 subs, room size 30’x21’x10’ ceiling), assorted decent power cables and interconnects.
one thing, please do not get rid of your old speakers unless you are absolutely sure. Buyers remorse is one thing, but sellers remorse can be way worse since it is harder to replace the old. A lot of people keep there old stuff to go back to later on. Some speakers are better than others playing specific types of music. Remember a lot of speakers require a break in before they sing. 200 hours gets you most of the way. If you point your speakers at each other, but plug one out of phase - black to red and red to black-with a blanket over them you can hardly hear them to break them in while at work or at night. 
I heard that Maggie’s get thirsty for power. Make sure your amp is adequate. If it is you might really like them. You will need a sub or two. If your speakers are able to be bi-amped, maybe use your old speakers for the low end and the Maggie’s for the high mid and tweets. 
I agree with the Classic Klipsch speaker suggestions.
A pair of Belles would be audio nirvana...
I know, I have a pair as L, R front speakers, with Cornwall II rear speakers.
Klipsch! So good it Hz!
Keep the amp for now & 
try open baffle, spatial or pure audio 
or listen to the recently reviewed
raven audio speakers 
Then back into the right electronics for your choice.  That said Im not sure why you think you need extra efficiency w All that Pass power
I haven’t heard the combo but vandersteen Treo CT or Quattro CT 
Should be very compatible, granted not all watts equal, sort of speak, but 75 watt AudIo Research amps are highly compatible and those are not efficient speakers 
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