High End Monitors

I am moving my system to a room in my new home which is a lot smaller thanthan my current set up. My new room is simply too small to house my Wilson Sophias. What suggestions would people have for a standmount speaker? I have listened to the Dynaudio C1s and found them to not be to my taste. I have listened to the Talon ravens and liked them a lot-- found them to be very transparent-- but they are costly. I intend to listen to the new Monitor Audio PL100 and the usher Tiny Dancer. Any other suggestions? Has anyone listened to the Escalante Pinyons without a sub? Eben XCentric? I would like to stay under $5k used or new. My musical tastes run to acoustic folk and rock with 33% symphonic. I am not a bass freak but really enjoy speakers that do the disappearing act, not one of the Sophia's strengths. Other pieces: Act2, Primare A32 amp, Marantz SA11. new cabling will come with the new room. Thanks for the input.
i am wanting more detail and transparency.
..which I think also describes the Sophias, have you considered the Wilson Duettes?
Disclaimer: I sell them, but not trying to sell you a pair....just suggesting that you listen to a pair of Lipinski 707's if possible.

Active or passive ATC SCM20's will be involving and yet still sound natural and transparent with a tight punchy bass (no one note boominess like you sometimes get in a ported speaker like the C1). If you like the artists to be in the room with you then this may work for you but you may find the bass to thin depending on what "sound" you have become accustomed too (Wilsons are known for their bass hump - just look at any frequency plot)
I recently reviewed the Verity Audio Parsifal Ovation Monitors (and whole speaker)...

I thought they were fantastic and you will always have the upgrade path by adding the base/bass cabinet should you circumstances change in the future.

The nearest well known competitor of the VA Ovation monitors I thought would be the Sonus Faber Gunarrai Hommage, but just not as "warm".

I would certainly give these speakers a listen, John