High end amp recommendation in China

I need some help.

I am in the process of upgrading my amplification. My current system consists of Egglestonworks Rosa loudspeakers being fed by an Electrocompaniet EMC1-UP CD player through a Mark Levinson 383 integrated. Analysis Plus silver cables all around.

Overall, nice sound - very nice actually, but the 383 doesn't drive my Rosa's with the authority I want.

But here is the wrinkle - I live in Shanghai, China. High end options are limited. I have a very good dealer here who is very knowlegable and helpful, but limited in their selection. My choices are Krell, Mark Levinson, and Halcro (and Graaf if I want to head down the tube path - I don't).

I am demo-ing a 320S pre / 436 power set-up in my home now. First impression - wow - talk about authority! Sucks me WAY MORE into the music than my integrated. Bass, imaging, width, and depth. I have heard the Halcro stereo amp (the 38?)demonstrated in the store - double wow - though I think it is out of my price range. I have yet to listen to the Krell's, but my previous experience with them back in the States is that they are not the sound I am looking for (Lyle Lovett, Eddie From Ohio, Diana Krall, etc)

So give me your opinions / experience.

Yes, yes, yes. I know - I intend to listen to my ears. I am just looking for some help to guide my ears into the right general direction.

No, no, no, don't tell me that these all are horrible and non-musical and that I really need to listen to Brand X - its just not an option for me.

In advance, thanks for your help!

Dan (porschecab),

Thanks for your response - this generally confirms my ears as well.

Re: Cello - I don't know specifically about Cello, I will look - but in China things are "complex". In theory, I can also get Pass, Gryphon, Meridian, Musical Fidelity, and several others. I say in theory because I can walk into a shop in a loud crazy cyber mall, see one piece from a mfrs line blasting away in competition with the din all around. If I like it, I can special order and buy the other peice from the line that I really am interested in (fully pre-paid, of course!) Obviously not a real audition process - and I am not going to drop this kind of money without a proper audition - first in a quiet shop, and second in my home. There is one "true" high-end shop where I can do both of these things. As I mentioned above, their staff and service are great - even better than my old shop in the US. It's just that their selection is limited.

I did receive good news last night - my annual bonus now potentially puts Halcro in the list of opportunities. I plan to bring home and listen. Any experience with the line? I would be looking at the DM38 stereo amp - not the big monoblocks.


Your unfortunate audition options point out the value of a good dealer with regard to purchasing audio products.

>I can walk into a shop in a loud crazy cyber mall, see one piece from a mfrs line blasting away in competition with the din all around. If I like it, I can special order and buy the other peice from the line that I really am interested in (fully pre-paid, of course!) Obviously not a real audition process - and I am not going to drop this kind of money without a proper audition - first in a quiet shop, and second in my home.<

That kind of atmosphere does not promote sales of any kind.
People in that situation probably buy on personal recommendations of friends--or reviews they can get their hands on.
We are fortunate when we have great dealers who will spend hours of their time helping in the audition process.

I am also living in Shanghai and could be interested in Halcro. Could you let me know where I can audition them in shanghai?


Good to find another audiophile in SH. I did buy a Halcro DM38 from Excel Hi Fi in Shanghai. They are great! I can forward contact information to you. Send me an email.


I would recommend Chapter Audio without hesitation.They offer the best iron fisted grip on the bass region bar none and with liquid 3-D.

First Impression Marketing Ltd
Phase One, Chai Wan Industrial City,
60 Wing Tai Road,
Chai Wan
Hong Kong

T +852 (2556) 3628
F +852 (2515) 0728
E fim@hutchcity.com