High efficiency speakers

I am getting into low wattage SET amps (specifically the 18w Lamm ML2.1). I am told that to realize the full benefits of such low powered SETs, you need high efficiency (>95db) speakers with benign impedance curve. But when I look around, these speakers are often horn based, huge and unattractive (to my eyes), and have problems with low bass (either no low bass or needs powered woofers whose integration is a problem).
My question to the experts out there. Have you come across well designed high efficiency speakers that are full range, don't take space like Avantgarde Trios, and look as nice as a Kharma?
Thanks for your suggestions.
I have had three pair of Coincidents and one pair of Kharmas. The Coincidents will sound great at 18 watts (I love mine), though nothing will look like the Kharmas. If you need something with that kind of finish, and want powered bass, check out the ZU line.
Zingali horns are beautiful looking, highly sensitive, reasonable in size, and very good sounding at "normal" listening levels(my 3s get a touch "hard" at high spls - although this may be the amps - Cary 300B monos - struggling). Hard to find, but worth checking out.

See a couple of sugestions that I can agree with, but if it were my situation, I'd be looking into Zu Audio, which I've owned and used with an 8w/ch 300B amp and Rethm Saadhana. Great amps hope you find the right match.
That 18-watt Lamm amp really gives you more options than most single-ended triode amps do. I think you can reasonably look at speakers below 95 dB efficiency, assuming a benign impedance curve. I've shown benign 92-dB speakers with SET amps of 5, 6, 12 and 25 watts, and the only time we ran into audible clipping was with very loud solo piano on the 5-watt amp, and real-world that conservatively rated Lamm amp is probably more powerful than the 25-watter.

Hi all, thank you for your suggestions. I have the Kharma 3.2.2s which are borderline efficient at 90dB and not getting the full benefits of the SET design from what I've been told, but probably Ok in my current smallish room. Going forward I am looking for full range SET friendly, high efficiency speakers. No more of the Kharma limp bass I hope. I do have pre-conceived biases against side-firing woofers and powered woofers, but maybe unfounded.