High ceilings and hardwood floors

Moved into a new house. Man my system sounds so bad I never want to listen anymore! My old room was carpeted and had 8 foot cielings. New room has 16 foot cieling. Sounds like I'm in a cave. System has no weight or focus. Very thin. I'm sure wood floors don't help. Room is about 16 x 28. Anyone have any thoughts/help for me?
You have a 16 x 16 "shoe box" which will have a nasty double reinforcement at whatever frequency has a 16 foot wavelength. Invest in acoustic treatments, especially bass traps to tame that resonance. Other above advice about rugs, curtains, and other furnishings will help as well.
Alexanderj is right about the frequency doubling. As it turns out that frequency is about 70 Hz. In addition, the length of the long wall is going to cause an interaction with the ceiling and short wall at additional frequencies that are multiples of 7 of the 70 Hz primary (70, 140, 280, 350,....). The room is certainly workable though. As stated, get a rug on the floor and start working from there. Try everyday, inexpensive things. Sometimes something as common and inexpensive as a fake Ficus plant from Home Depot in each corner can make a huge difference. Good Luck, Doug
My wife is not going to like it. She chose this house because of the living room and hardwoods. I'm in a bad spot because she thinks this hobby is silly. I can play the most beautiful and dramatic music and she says "thats nice, do we have to have all those wires on the floor? And can we push those speakers back against the wall?"
I had almost the excact same room a year ago myself. I think it will be impossible to make it sound great.
Build a room in the basement, with the proper dimensions, it will be the best system upgrade you every make.