Hidden Gems in Pre-Owned Solid State Power Amplifiers?

Browse the listings for power amplifiers (e.g. under $5K) and you notice a myriad of Classe, Parasound, Bryston, older McIntosh and Mark Levinson and lots of Pass Labs.
So many in fact that you wonder why.
What are the true audiophile gems in the pre-owned solid state market? Thanks in advance.
After 25 years, I still have my Bryston 4B NRB, along with my Audio Research LS3 preamp. I enjoy listening for several hours every day and I have no plans to replace either one. The cost of what I would consider a marked improvement is more than I can shell out right now.
After 21 years, the Bryston did develop an issue. I took it to my dealer, Audio Advice, and it was shipped to Bryson. They repaired it at no charge, even though it was a year past the warranty period, and even paid the freight back. That is customer service.
Yamaha MX-1 and MX-2 Power amps.  They perform flawlessly down to a speaker impedance of 2 ohms and came out at the peak of 2-channel stereo era before everyone started to make surround sound integrated amps.