Hi Fi Car Audio

Can anyone help me, I'm looking for a Hi Fi Car audio web site, information on Hi Fi Car audio, and or suggestions to improve the sound. thank you
You must be a punk kid, in my experience only punk kids are into hifi car audio. My suggestion... get out of the car and get into the house.
Please don't let the post by that @$$#$%! get you down. There are good high-end car audio sites out there. Look at Dynaudio, Milbert, Tube Driver, Xtant, Focal Mobile Audio, McIntosh..... The sound that can be achieved in car audio can be magnificent. It takes careful installation and the right components. I have achieved it. Don't let the Home Snobs discourage you.
HiFi car audio. Now there's an oxymoron. I've heard a lot of supposed HiFi car systems - no stage, no image just LOUD! It's great to park w/ the doors open, crank up and drink a cold one but NOT for any active LISTENING!
I think it is www.elitecaraudio.com Yup, it is. My friend dumped like over $10k of his dad's money into his car sound system. So I used to sit there and watch him jump from website to website bragging about how much money he wasted. Did I mention he wants to sell his car now? -Ryan