Hi-End for Black Metal?


I am 33 and come from Russia. My passion is heavy music, namely Black Metal. I find it fascinating. I feel like a hermit because those friends of mine which are audiophiles do not like black metal. And those friends which like black metal (actually, play it even in bands!) couldn't care less about high quality audio gear.

Are there any people like me who own hi-fi/hi-end equipment to listen to heavy metal genres?
Black Metal is much more extreme than AC/DC. I guess you have to be a certain kind of guy to like this music.

It's good to know that there are people like you who use their hi-end equipment to play heavy music.

I am not into heavy metal only, it's only 50% of what I listen to. But I cannot really understand people who listen to, for example, jazz or blues only. It seems to me boring to always demand from music one type of emotion only. To me, music is like a rainbow and there are many colors (emotions) in it. I need them all - from anger and aggression to love and sadness. One or two colors do not satisfy me.

Most of all, I like complex, dark, symphonic, multi-layered, mysterious, emotionally inhomogeneous Black Metal. Bands like Lunar Aurora, Limbonic Art, Arckanum, Graveworm, etc. Right now I am listening to Watain. This music is like a fog, it comes out of your speakers, engulfs you. It's a touch of the Dark.

And what about Viking Metal? How is it possible not to appreciate the poetics of war, battle fury and nostalgia for ancient times? I cannot understand how you can be a man and not to respond to the message this Music brings...
Back in the days I was heavily into heavy metal (of all kinds - started with unning Wild and Metallica and Finished with Napalm Death, Deicide, Sepultura, Pantera etc) and now I´m rediscovering in some ways couple of them (e.g just bpught all newly released Metallica). Anyways, if you´re also into nordic folk metal, I have a reference to you - Estonian band Metsatöll. They have also released all albums on vinyl and it all sounds pretty well to my ears (it would qualify as Viking Metal in a way as well, even though Vikings were present only on Estonian islands and not mainland back in the days):

Black Metal is much more extreme than AC/DC. I guess you have to be a certain kind of guy to like this music.

YEah I realized I can't realy help you in your genre - BTO "Not Fragile" is about as far as I ever went - wimpy stuff I know.

FWIW - a good contrast to dark angry music is funk. Funk is happy music - try some and you may be surprised to find your feet tapping, although, it takes a while to sink in or catch the bug. Try some repetition of Maceo Parker Roots and Grooves Live for something exciting and interesting - without the anger.
Ironmine I also listen to some of those bands you like and I have found that revealing speakers, like Thiel are great for listneing into the depths of what are usually highly compressed recordings of that genre. Also, bass is usually relegated to the mid to upper bass levels, with the bass drum carrying most of the bottom and for that solid state amps that are quick work well. Having said that I recently listed to Lamb Of God with my tube system and I was pleased with the sound. All in all, a revealing system is what you want for metal, speed, hardcore, black and death.